
Wednesday, April 13, 2016

A First: Side by Side Comparison of Voucher Tenant Demographics For 39 HUD Moving to Work Agencies.

Surprisingly there is very little data out there about the demographics of voucher tenants who receive assistance from the 39 HUD approved MTW agencies, including 6 NW PHA's. 

I had to dig to put together a list of the MTW agencies in order to extract data from the HUD Picture of Subsidized Households but I eventually did and the result is in the Excel workbook HERE and embedded below. (A codebook for values in the Picture is HERE). 

Users can select up to 15 MTW agencies at a time for comparison, and change the 7 columns to see different voucher metrics; the top row is restricted to showing the US totals [for ALL PHA's] and the columns are conditionally formatted to highlight in yellow to show values BELOW the US totals. The last 6 PHA's selected by default are NW MTW PHA's.

A graph on the second page shows values for the 4th column, set us as the minority % of voucher holders by default.

To see all the columns you likely will have to scroll to the right, to use the pull downs you will likely need to download the Excel file. 

Two Examples: % of Voucher Tenants Who are Minority; HUD Monthly Payment
The table shows that the % of voucher holders who are minorities is 68% for ALL PHA's in the US , but among the 15 MTW PHA's I selected the low is 22% in Vancouver and the high is 98% in both the District of Columbia and Atlanta. 

Similarly, nationally the average HUD monthly payment is $775, but among the MTW agencies I selected the average ranges from a low of $685 in Portland to a high of $1,581 per month in Cambridge, MA.

Originally created and posted on the Oregon Housing Blog

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