Sunday, November 1, 2009

Psst...Want To Know Where Those 640,000 Recovery Act Funded Jobs Are Located?

By now most have seen the headlines saying that Recovery Act funding recipients (Grants, Loans, or Contracts) have reported creating or saving 640,000+ jobs by September 30th. Various news accounts have reported some state or recipient specific jobs data, but getting a comprehensive picture by locality, recipient, or by program has not been possible.

That just changed.

Using data from I created an Excel workbook that allows users to explore down to the zip code level, 156,000 recipient records that provide the details that add up to the 640,000+ jobs, or the 1,900+ Oregon records that contain the details that add up to 9,600 Recovery Act funded jobs.

This Excel 2007 workbook contains ALL Recovery jobs (and spending) data for the US, for Oregon, and for HUD and includes jobs as reported by recipients of Recovery Act grants, AND loans, AND contracts.

Using filters or pivot tables, the workbook will help answer many questions down to the zip code, city, and state level (inexplicably, a county level data field is not included in the Recovery Act funding data).
  1. How much money are recipients reporting they have spent?
  2. How many and what specific kinds of jobs are recipients reporting they have created?
  3. How many jobs are being created by HUD Recovery Act funding, and by which programs?
The workbook contains 11 separate worksheets, including several pivot tables and Oregon HUD summaries which show these job and record counts:

US Pivot Table Default shows ALL jobs by state, total of 640,392.2 jobs, 156,614 records.
HUD US Pivot Default shows jobs for HUD recipients ONLY by state, total of 28,549.49 jobs, 7,932 records.
Oregon Pivot Default shows ALL jobs by city, total of 9,624.22 jobs, 1,989 records.
HUD Oregon Pivot Default shows jobs by HUD recipients ONLY, total of 202.73 jobs, 80 records.
HUD CFDA Look up Looks up the NAME of the HUD CFDA program number, formula result added as last column in HUD Data worksheets.
HUD Summary Grantee Jobs Shows the count of Oregon HUD Recovery jobs sorted by recipient NAME AND HUD Program
HUD Summary City Jobs Shows the count of Oregon HUD Recovery jobs sorted by CITY name AND HUD Program.

Summary File for HUD in Oregon
I have prepared a PDF summary HERE which shows by HUD program and either recipient name or recipient city, the number of jobs created. These tables show that Public Housing Capital Grants (88 jobs) and HUD Section 8 Rental Assistance (80 jobs) grantees claimed the most jobs created or saved.

  1. The national Recovery Act funding recipient file I created in Excel is a LARGE file, about 127 MB's, and will require a computer with a significant amount of memory; download this LARGE file HERE.
  2. I have ALSO prepared an OREGON ONLY version which can be downloaded HERE--File size is a LOT smaller, only about 4 MB's, so if you are interested in Oregon recipient Recovery Act spending and jobs, I strongly recommend downloading this file.
  3. Both workbooks are in Excel 2007 file format. Some users report when they save Excel 2007 files they end up with a compressed .zip file extension. My suggestion is to RIGHT CLICK and save the file to your PC. Then navigate to the file you downloaded and look at its file extension. IF it appears as .ZIP extension, change the .ZIP extension to Excel 2007 extension (.xlsx), and THEN open the file with Excel 2007.
Originally created and posted on the Oregon Housing Blog.

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