Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hardest Hit NON PROFIT Issues RFP for Deschutes and Jackson County Loan Refinancing Pilot with Sept 15 Due Date.

Loan Refinancing pilot program RFP in Deschutes and Jackson counties was issued by Oregon's Hardest Hit Non Profit (Oregon Affordable Housing Assistance Corporation [OAHAC]) and not OHCS.

RFP, with Sept 15 due date, is HERE. Purpose explained in the RFP:
The Loan Refinancing Program has not received approval from the US Treasury yet pending additional details and refinement.The purpose of this Request for Proposal (“RFP”) is to gain a better understanding of the capabilities of potential partners, programmatic development assistance, and to identify a long term partner to provide the resources and expertise required to deliver a successful Loan Refinancing Assistance Program. OAHAC is soliciting proposals for the development and management of the Loan Refinancing Assistance Program. OAHAC seeks a partner that can demonstrate the capacity, knowledge, and ability to provide the resources for the life of the entire program. The partner will develop the program working closely within US Treasury guidelines from planning, purchasing, refinancing, and reselling qualified properties in Deschutes and Jackson counties.
Originally created and posted on the Oregon Housing Blog.

1 comment:

  1. The latest RFP (Hardest Hit) is bothersome. The scope of work is confusing and financials are not included. No matter what the credentials of the proposed (assumed)candidate may be, if a person has already been chosen,why the RFP? It makes no sense.
