Thursday, June 30, 2011

Oregon Housing Blog: Starting the 5th Year.

I always said that I would be happy if I lived 5 years after I retired, and Independence day, July 4th marks the start of that 5th year.   

While it wasn't clear in year one that I would make it to year 5, I'm glad I did and I'm hoping I might get a few more. 

At the Start of Year 5 on the Oregon Housing Blog:
  • I have made more than 2,200 posts which works out to 550 a year, and 1.5 per day.
  • I currently have 299 subscribers and many others who follow the blog on RSS feeds ( The Community Alliance of Tenants) or thru reposts of individual items on other newsletters (Oregon ON) and blogs.
Twitter: In the few months since I started, I have posted more than 1,000 tweets; I follow more than 130 twitters and have a like number of followers/tweeps.

Plans for Year 5 
  1. I am going to try to figure out a way to accept guest posts on the blog with only limited oversight by me for quality control purposes (no rants, etc). 
  2. I plan on continue expansion of use of social media, with emphasis on quick short updates through Twitter- I strongly recommend that you join Twitter and subscribe to my blog if you haven't done so already as there are items that I tweet about that don't make their way to the blog. [My Oregonhousing twitter page is HERE).
  3. I would like to figure out ways to sustain the blog once I am out of the picture; there has been some good "Mo" built up in the last 4 years and I would like to make it sustainable.
  4. I would like to see more comments on my posts; I don't consider my view to be the only or most informed view on all topics and would like others to start adding their thoughts.  
  5. A BIG Thanks to all of you who have offered support for the blog and my efforts and who have taken the time to call, write email, add a comment, or provide public recognition.
Originally created and posted on the Oregon Housing Blog.

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