Monday, July 2, 2012

Correction: MY Estimate of OHCS 2012 CFC Funding Recommendations: 801 Units, $138 Million

My headline said $128 M, it should have read $138 M and has been changed.
Three BIG Caveats:
  1. Decisions on funding will be made by the Housing Council at their July 13th meeting, these are RECOMMENDATIONS only.
  2. For projects recommended for funding, units or recommended allocations might vary from requested amounts, although I expect those changes to be minor. (For example, the sum of requested OATC for recommended applications at $15,153,825 in my Excel file slightly exceeds the $15 million mentioned in the Director's summary letter HERE). 
  3. Details on FINAL recommendations will be found in the July 13th Council Meeting Package; that should be posted by the end of this week at the July 13th Council meeting package web page HERE.

My Estimate: 801 Units, $138 Million; 42% of Requested Units/ 40% of Requested $$.
I have completed a DRAFT comparison of recommended CFC allocations to applications, by combining the list of projects recommended for funding by OHCS with the list of applications. 

Notes and Observations: 
  1. 26 Projects were recommended for funding out of 50 accepted applications.
  2. IF projects recommended for funding were funded at the requested amounts and units, it appears that total recommended funding was for $138,462,269 and 801 units. (Some of those resources [HOME for example] may have been contributed by other partners).
  3. The "2012 CFC Apps and Recos" worksheet in the Excel workbook below has a column that I added to the far right indicating whether the project was recommended for funding.
  4. The workbook includes a pivot table set up by default to show the sum of ALL $$ and units by county. A pull down at the top allows easy view of $$ and units for projects recommended for funding or not recommended for funding.
  5. The workbook contains a summary table by county showing the ratio of $$ and units recommended for funding vs applications.The ratio columns in the far right of the worksheet are conditionally formatted to show counties that had a higher ratio of recommended $$ or units than the statewide average. 
  6. Among 4 Portland metro counties only Washington and Yamhill counties had a rate of recommended total $$ and units vs application total $$ and units that exceeded the statewide average.
  7. I will UPDATE/CORRECT/FINALIZE this Excel workbook once more information becomes available about the details of recommended projects or approved funding levels.
You can take view/download the Excel file in my SkyDrive in the embed below or at the URL HERE.  

Originally created and posted on the Oregon Housing Blog

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