Saturday, December 21, 2019

Updated 2018 ACS Renter Cost Burden and Severe Cost Burden, By Oregon Senate and House Districts and Members.

New 2018 census data was released this week.  It includes a new interface that will take some time to learn. 

In the meantime, and as an early Christmas gift, I downloaded and created a new 3 page PDF HERE, and embedded below. (I had to orient it landscape to fit all the data, so may be easier to download and view rather then scrolling to the right within this post).

The PDF includes:
  • A listing of all Oregon legislative districts, member names, and party affiliations.
  • For each district/member the count and percentage of cost burdened renter households, including BOTH 30% and 50% cost burdened counts and percentages.
Quick summary: 
  1. 2018 Oregon data shows a total of 294,968 renter households paying 30% or more of household income for rent and 150,120 who paid 50% or more of household income for rent.  
  2. That means that (among those renter HH's where cost burdens were known) 52% or Oregon renter households had a cost burden of 30% or more and 26% had a cost burden of 50% or greater.
Note: Data is from ACS table B25070.

Originally created and posted on the Oregon Housing Blog.

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