Sunday, July 15, 2007

Housing Choice Voucher Reform Bill Passes House; Representative Hooley Doesn't Vote.

The Housing Choice Voucher Reform Bill, H.R. 1851, easily passed the House on July 12th by a vote of 333-83, with 15 Representatives not voting. (Note that this is a program authorization change, aappropriations would be required to pay for the net cost increases that the new program authorization would cause).

Because the bill is generally viewed as liberalizing the voucher program (CRS summary of the bill is here) the absence of a vote from Representative Hooley is somewhat surprising, as she was the only Oregon Representative to not vote. (Hooley is a former Clackamas County commissioner and housing authority board member).

My (early) speculation about why Hooley may not have voted: 1. There were more than enough votes to pass the bill easily. 2. The Congressional Budget estimated a net cost increase (here) of $2.4 Billion for the bill for the 5 years from 2008-2012). 3. Hooley faced a well funded opponent last election and did not want to provide easy ammunition for another opponent this time around (Hooley to date is the only Oregon Representative without a single appropriations earmark).

(For the record, I live in Hooley's district).

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