Monday, July 30, 2007

IPOD Audio: Center for Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) Voucher Audio Conference and Related Information

The CBPP has posted HERE a PDF updated comparison of the current voucher program vs. the proposed changes found in the voucher reform 8 (SEVRA). CBPP has also noted on their website that “the Center will issue a report analyzing the House and Senate FY '08 appropriations bills and their impact on the housing voucher program. In the meantime, if you would like to see a PowerPoint presentation that summarizes the bills, email Anton Marx at,”

A July 17 audio conference preceded the latest voucher update, hosted by Barbara Sard and Anton Marx of CBPP. The recording of that conference is about 8.8 MB’s and lasts for 1 hour and 15 minutes; you can listen to the MP3 version of that conference HERE.

(You may want to first request and review the SEVRA PowerPoint presentation from CBPP referred to above as the audio refers to that PowerPoint). And for future reference you may also want to bookmark the main CBPP housing policy site HERE.

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