Monday, May 10, 2010

Brookings State of Metro America Report Published TODAY; Portland Indicators Included.

Although event is tomorrow, thanks to BeSpacfic I have located the new Brookings State of Metro America report HERE.

The web page for the Portland Metro can be found HERE. A PDF of that Portland Metro profile is HERE. I extracted and combined tables for Portland Metro and pasted below:


Indicator Group Indicator Metro Metro Rank Primary Cities Suburbs New Heartland Metros United States
Population and Migration % change in population, 2000-2008 14 31 6.6 18 16.3 7.8
Population and Migration Domestic migration rate, 2000-20081 5.3 31 5.7 0

Population and Migration % of population moving in previous year 16.9 41 19 15.8 17.1 15.6
Race and Ethnicity % of population that is nonwhite2 22.2 70 24.9 20.8 28.8 34.6
Race and Ethnicity % change in nonwhite population, 2000-2008 38 27 15.8 55.4 38.2 21
Race and Ethnicity Change in nonwhite share of population, 2000-2008 3.8 40 1.6 5 4.5 3.7
Immigration % of population that is foreign-born 12.7 31 12.8 12.6 8.8 12.5
Immigration % change in foreign-born population, 2000-2008 34.6 55 7.8 53.5 53.2 22
Immigration % of children with at least one foreign-born parent 24.8 31 25.2 24.6 16.4 22
Age % of population age 45 and over 38 51 37.6 38.2 35.6 38.5
Age % change in under-18 population, 2000-2008 8.7 34 4.8 10.4 14.8 2.5
Age Dependency ratio3 53.2 94 48.4 55.7 55.8 58.9
Households and Families % of households that are married couples with children 22.3 32 16.6 25.5 22.8 21.1
Households and Families % change in married-with-children households, 2000-2008 4.7 24 2.9 5.4 6.2 -4
Households and Families Average household size 2.61 43 2.34 2.76 2.61 2.62
Educational Attainment % of population age 25 and over with bachelor's degree 33.3 19 37.8 30.9 33.4 27.7
Educational Attainment Change in % of population with bachelor's degree, 2000-2008 4.5 18 7.4 3.1 3.9 3.3
Educational Attainment % 18-to-24 year-olds enrolled in higher education 34.4 81 38.8 32.2 39.5 40.9
Work Wage for middle-wage workers ($/hour)4 19.58 20

Work % change in wage for middle-wage workers, 2000-2008 -1.5 45

Work High/low wage ratio5 4.58 52

Income and Poverty Median household income ($) 59,044 29 51,356 63,782 58,112 52,029
Income and Poverty % change in median household income, 2000-2008 -3.1 45 -2 -4 -5.7 -4.1
Income and Poverty % of children in poverty 15 71 18.2 13.6 14.6 18.2
Commuting % of commuters who drive alone 70.6 94 63.4 74.3 78.6 75.5
Commuting % of commuters who use public transit 6.4 11 10.5 4.2 2.8 5
Commuting % change in commuters who use public transit, 2000-2008 16.7 60 10.1 26.3 25.2 22.9

Chapter contents and links can be found HERE.

An interactive indicator map is HERE.

Finally, at bottom of this page HERE when you select different indicator groups you have the option of downloading CSV or zip files with ALL of the data relevant to that indicator grouping.

Originally created and posted on the Oregon Housing Blog.

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