Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Center for Budget and Policy Priorities Has State Fact Sheets on Assisted Housing and Renters; Oregon Assisted at 54,000+

Combined fact sheets for all states is HERE, including Oregon (page 38) and Washington (page 48). CBPP PR is HERE

I noticed that:
  1. Assisted unit counts do not include Low Income Housing Tax Credit units (unless those units are assisted by other programs).
  2. 59.5% of all assisted rental housing units in Oregon were housing vouchers, while 16.8% were public housing units. This means that even without taking into account other affordable units they may own that Oregon housing authorities administer at least 76% of all Oregon assisted rental housing.
Also from the Oregon Fact Sheet: 
Federal rental assistance programs enable more than 54,044 low-income households in Oregon to rent modest housing at an affordable cost. About 61 percent of these households are headed by people who are elderly or have disabilities; approximately 30 percent are families with children...133,660 low-income renter households pay more than half their monthly cash income for housing costs. On average, these households have incomes of $999 and pay housing costs of $837, leaving only $162 to pay for other necessities. About 39 percent of these cost burdened renters are elderly or people with disabilities, while 25 percent are families with children.

Originally created and posted on the Oregon Housing Blog.

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