Thursday, September 8, 2011

Portland Tribune Picks Up on Growing Suburban Diversity.

Kudos to Steve Law and Portland Tribune for being first newspaper to publish Portland metro wide story on increased diversity in Portland metro suburbs, using as one source my prior posts on diversity in Oregon and Portland metro area cities.

His story in today's paper is HERE:  I count 15 bullet points that may qualify for you [and me] as "I didn't know that", including these five:
1.    Latinos form a majority in Cornelius, making it the first city in the Portland area to have a “minority majority.”
2.    Fairview has the area’s second-largest share of black residents, at 4.4 percent.
3.    Happy Valley is 17.4 percent Asian, more by far than any other area community.
4.    Northeast Portland’s Cully neighborhood is the most diverse neighborhood in Oregon.
5.    Portland’s Latino population grew 52.1 percent in the last decade, and accounts for 9.4 percent of the city. But Latinos reached double-digit proportions in 11 of the suburbs.
Story also adds details about most diverse Portland metro city, Wood Village:
In the past decade, Wood Village’s Latino population more than tripled, and accounts for 37 percent of the city of about 4,000. The Asian population nearly tripled, and the black population, though still modest, more than quadrupled.
Originally created and posted on the Oregon Housing Blog.

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