Tuesday, October 9, 2012

CORRECTION: A Tale of Two Cities: Lake Oswego Has One THIRD the Rate of Assisted Rental Housing Compared to Ashland.

An astute reader pointed out that the Ashland HNA indicates a projected 6 unit LIHTC project and NOT 6 additional LIHTC projects.

That results in a reduction in the total count of assisted rental units and ratio of Ashland vs Lake Oswego units; also the ratio of LIHTC units in Ashland to Lake Oswego is now 1 to 1. 

I have changed the headline and counts in the text below and the Excel file accordingly. 

Thanks MUCH to the reader, and my apologies for the error.

A recent news story HERE highlighted the need for affordable housing in Ashland.

Ashland has only 5% fewer occupied rental units than Lake Oswego (4,498 vs 4,758) , so I thought it might be interesting to compare the count and rate of affordable assisted rentals in Ashland to Lake Oswego. 

So, I extracted from an Ashland Planning Commission meeting agenda (HERE) assisted rental data from a draft Ashland Housing Needs Analysis, added my Lake Oswego knowledge, and also tenure data from the ACS HERE.  

I then created the Excel table HERE (also embedded below).

Per 1,000 Occupied Rental Units: 
Lake Oswego Has About One Third The Rate of Assisted Renter Households As Ashland
  1. Ashland has 3 times the rate of TOTAL assisted rentals (70 per 1,000 vs. 23 per 1,000).
  2. Ashland has 2 times the rate of HUD/RD assisted units in project based rental projects (32 per 1,000 vs. 16 per 1,000).
  3. Ashland has 3 times the rate of housing vouchers (22 per 1,000 vs. 7 per 1,000).
  4. Ashland has the SAME rate of current and projected LIHTC units. (16 per 1,000).
Assisted Rental Counts
Ashland has 314 assisted rental units; Lake Oswego has 110.

Originally created and posted on the Oregon Housing Blog.

1 comment:

  1. Seeking to understand the tales of these two cities, and three questions come to mind.
    What, if any, role does the SOU student population play in the number of affordable rental housing units?
    What role, if any, does each community's homeownership rates-51% vs. 71.1%-play in the number of affordable rental housing units?
    And, what role, if any, does the median household income play-$40K vs. $81K-in determining what is "affordable"?
