
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Update: Subsidized HUD Housing Vs Very Low Income Renter HH's By State: Oregon Ranks 44th in Rate of HUD Assisted Housing.

I changed text and added link HERE to new post with data that shows Oregon's ranks #2 in country in reliance on vouchers as form of HUD rental assistance. 
My recent post HERE had details about HUD assisted rental housing in Oregon using a national data set that includes information on all states; HUD's CSV download for 2013 state assisted data is HERE

HUD's CHAS data download tool HERE has 2007-2011 ACS derived information about counts of renter households at different income levels, including information at the state level.   I extracted what I believe are the relevant counts of renter households with incomes at or below 50% by state and merged them with 2013 counts of HUD assisted renters by state to see how states ranked by the ratio of HUD assisted housing vs. the very low income eligible population. The results are in the Excel workbook HERE and embedded below.

The data shows that Oregon ranks 44nd among 52 states, DC, and Puerto Rico in the ratio of HUD assisted units to very low income eligible renters (Incomes at or below 50% MFI); Oregon's ratio is 26% below the national average. In the NW, both Washington and Idaho have even lower ratios than Oregon. 

In addition to having lower ratios of HUD assisted units vs the very low income eligible rental universe, I am sure that the data would show that Oregon is more dependent on housing vouchers than other states, so any cutbacks in the voucher program would likely hit Oregon harder than the national average (The data to do that analysis is in the workbook if anyone wants to check my assumption).  UPDATE: I did that analysis in new post HERE: Oregon ranks # 2 in country in reliance on vouchers as form of HUD rental assistance. 

NOTE : My analysis shows that about 1/3rd of income eligible rental households are receiving HUD assistance nationally-this is higher than other estimates that use other metrics to determine the target population. If after review readers identify additional CHAS very low income eligible renter data elements missing from my analysis, feel free to let me know.

Originally created and posted on the Oregon Housing Blog.

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