Monday, September 22, 2014

Excel Workbook With 2013 HMDA Loan Level Detail on 128k+ Oregon Home Loan Originations.

I found it easier to work with the CFPB HMDA data site than I expected. 

After applying several filters I was able to download and convert to a 42MB Excel HERE a loan level listing of 128,622 HMDA home loans originated in Oregon in 2013. (If file doesn't display in your browser because of size, just download it.

(Query that extracts this data in CSV format from the database is HERE).

The workbook does NOT include information about applications or the name of lending institutions, and ONLY information on loans that were originated. Note also that HMDA data includes only metro area loans and also has no data field for first time home buyers. 

The workbook does include a pivot table set up by default to show the ethnicity of loan recipients. Filters include in the default view allow the refinement by race, loan type, agency etc.
Data is available to the census tract level. 
A data field worksheet shows all 78 available data fields. 

Two Pivot Table Examples: 
  • There were 53,872 FHA loans in 2013, so FHA/HUD loans represented 42% of all loans originated in Oregon in HMDA (metro) areas. 
  • Of the 974 total HMDA metro area African American borrowers in 2013, 436 had FHA/HUD loans or 45%.

Pleased to say that data also confirms counts in my prior post of African American owner occupied home purchase loans, with FHA having a 64% share of owner occupied African American borrower home purchase loans in Oregon in 2013.

Originally created and posted on the Oregon Housing Blog.

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