Monday, February 22, 2016

Say What? Inclusionary Housing Bill Amendment Defines Affordable Housing as at or ABOVE 80% of Median Family Income.

On Tuesday AM the Oregon Senate Revenue and Finance Committee has scheduled a work session and hearing on a long discussed bill (SB 1553A) to lift the statewide exemption on inclusionary zoning. I expect this to be the last hearing before this committee on this bill. 

On Monday afternoon a new amendment (-5) appeared that contains a provision that inexplicably defines affordable housing as housing affordable at or ABOVE 80% of median family income.

I pointed out in a post HERE that adopting an 80% of median income standard for rentals would be poor housing policy. My view is that 60% of Median Family Income is the appropriate target for inclusionary housing provisions. 

If the Committee adopts a version of the bill that provides possible incentives for housing in exchange for housing at or ABOVE 80% of median family income (or limits enforcement of restrictive covenants to that income level or above) it would be a strange twist in a long and no doubt trying process. 

Originally created and posted on the Oregon Housing Blog

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