Monday, August 31, 2020

Oregon Unemployment Data Updates: Amounts Available for Housing, Fund Balance, Regular Insurance Share Decline, and County UI Payments.

On the eve of Oregon Interim Senate Committee on Labor and Business hearings on unemployment insurance in Oregon I thought it would be useful to update unemployment data for Oregon. 

1. Oregon has paid out $4 billion in unemployment benefits from March 15 to August 22; after taxes that is enough to have provided $1.0 billion to pay for housing expenses for 5 1/2 months, about $182 million a month. The simple table pasted below shows the math. (As a frame of reference total HUD housing choice funding in ALL of FY 2019 in Oregon was $250 million). 

2. Oregon's unemployment insurance fund balance at the end of June was $4.63 billion. The ending balance reflects a decline of $223 million in June, a 4.6 % decline. However that 7% decline is only the 11th highest June percentage decline in 42 years. The table below shows the Oregon top 15 high to low rank order of  % order of June declines in the balance of the unemployment insurance fund. 

(NOT shown, I calculate that Oregon's insurance fund balance has declined by 8.6% since January. Among states only Iowa had a lower rate of decline, 2.4%; Oregon also had the LARGEST insurance fund balance at the end of June).

3. The share of all unemployment insurance continuing claims from "regular" insurance was 91% in March but it declined to 53% in July. During the same time period the share of all UI continuing claims for the PUA program increased from 0% to 27%. The pie chart below shows the shares for the August 8 weekly report. 

4. The most recent county unemployment insurance benefits paid public data released by ODE is through June. My prior post HERE has that data AND a breakout of UI available for housing expenses through JUNE. 

Originally created and posted on the Oregon Housing Blog

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