Monday, June 7, 2021

UPDATED: Oregon PPP Loans Inch Past $10 Billion; New Excel Workbook Has the Details.

Double Dip Supplement

I used the Pivot Table worksheet to extract borrowers who had 2 or more loand IF the total of those loans were $1 Million plus. 

I found 301 borrowers who matched both of those thresholds and sorted those by total loan approval amounts in a 6 page PDF HERE

Some familiar names are near the top of the list:
  1. Shari's tops the list with combined loans of $12.2 Million.
  2. Provenance Hotels got $7.5M and Shilo $4.9M, 
  3. Powell's is in the top ten at $6.1M.
  4. Oregon Museum of Science and Industry looks to be the largest non profit getting a total of $4.2M while Portland Art Museum got $3.6M
  5. The East Oregonian also got $4.2M.
  6. At $3.9 M Outside In got a little more than Voodoo Donuts at $3.8M, 
Note that some borrowers with just ONE loan got more than those on my list of those with two loans exceeding $1M. Use the pivot table and/or filters to identify those borrowers.

SBA has posted an updated version of the PPP database covering loans approved through June 1st. 

I took a prior April PPP database post HERE and using strikethrough I have updated my previous comments, as well as adding a link to my latest updated PPP Oregon Excel database:

"I have just uploaded a large (42 49 MB) NEW Excel database HERE that includes PPP loans through the end of March of 2021 June 1st. It includes data for $9.7 billion+$10 BILLION+/ 103,000+ 117,000+ PPP loans.

The default view is a pivot table that by month, by county, and by loan size, of all Oregon PPP loans. Filters at the top allow focus by city, organization type, minority, gender, etc. [ A screen capture below shows the default view].

There is also a county summary worksheet, a worksheet with the raw data, and a worksheet that shows NAICS codes and names.

The default pivot table loan amount is from the "currently approval amount" data field. I added a data field that helps filter for loans below $150, 000 and year and month data fields that help filter by date of loan approval.

Some additional observations:
  • Three Portland metro counties account for 54%/$5.27 51%/$5.48 billion of the total loan volume.
  • There are small number (10) of Oregon businesses with PPP loans where the "project" in the database is located in another state.
  • Loans for less than $150,000 accounted for 31%/$3.06 billion 33%/$3.2 BILLION of the total loan volume but a much higher 87%/90,212 88%/103,278 of the total count of 103,399 116,173 loans.
  • The database "jobs reported" field isn't credible and there is no verification process to my knowledge.
  • Unfortunately the database does not yet have a field showing the extent to which a loan has been forgiven."

Originally created and posted on the Oregon Housing Blog

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