Agencies have published today (April 27th) their Spring 2010 Semi Annual Regulatory Agendas.
While many agencies publish their semi annual agendas in the Federal Register, HUD has not recently done so.
From a separate Unified Agenda web site, I have constructed a PDF file HERE with links to the details of 63 regulatory actions found in the Spring 2010 Semi Annual Regulatory Agenda for HUD. (A sortable list on line is available from Unified Agenda web site HERE and HUD's Spring 2010 preamble is HERE).
(My post about HUD's Fall 2009 Regulatory Agenda with 60 items is HERE).
One Quick Comparison: HUD Pushes Way Back a Date for Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing PROPOSED Rule.
In comparing the details in the Agenda from Fall 09 to Spring 10, I note that HUD has significantly pushed back the expected date for a notice of proposed rule making for an affirmatively furthering fair housing rule. Previously the expected date was Feb 2010, and now the date is December 2010. (It would take years for any rule to go into effect after that date, as the December 2010 date is only for a proposed rule).
Originally created and posted on the Oregon Housing Blog.
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